Tuesday, April 5, 2016

10 more sleeps until the play!!! Yoot!! Here's a few notes about this weeks rehearsal...
It will be on Friday at 10:30, and we're asking that all the moms come in for about 10 minutes so that we can touch base about a few things. After that you'll all be free to go. :) I also have a quick note from Charlene to all of you.

Things are starting to come together for the play.  The choir is doing wonderful and I'm so proud of how well they have done!  For these last few practices, if the kids could really focus on learning the words for the final chorus of 'I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day' that would be great.  They're a still a bit shaky on it.  :)  I've posted the words below as well as a YouTube link of the song to make it easy to practice and listen to!

And the bells they're ringing (Peace on Earth)Like a choir they're singing (Peace on Earth)And with our hearts we'll hear themPeace on earth, good will to men
o you hear the bells they're ringing? (Peace on Earth)The life the angels singing (Peace on Earth)Open up your heart and hear them (Peace on Earth)
Peace on earth, good will to menPeace on earth, Peace on earthPeace on earth, Good will to men 


Make sure you all work really hard to learn this! See you all Friday!!!

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